Bright Smiles and Healthy Grins

Bright Smiles and Healthy Grins

In the magical world of childhood, dental care plays a crucial role in setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy smiles. At Renew Dental Lounge, we understand the importance of good oral health as a part of overall well-being.   We offer a tiered pricing level,...
Smiles for Little Ones

Smiles for Little Ones

Why should you take your child to the dentist? Their teeth are all going to fall out anyway? The importance of oral health in children cannot be overstated. The habits formed in childhood often persist into adulthood. Teaching children the importance of oral health...
Pregnancy and your Oral Health

Pregnancy and your Oral Health

When planning for a baby it’s recommended that you focus on your health, for both you and your baby’s best outcomes This includes your dental health. Make sure you visit the team at Renew Dental Lounge to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy. If you need any...
Myth Busting Fluoride

Myth Busting Fluoride

Fluoride has long been a topic of discussion in dental care, with various myths and misconceptions circulating in public debate . Renew Dental Lounge wants  to separate fact from fiction, providing a comprehensive overview of fluoride and its role in maintaining...
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