TMJ Disorders

TMJ Disorders

The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the two joints that connect your lower jaw to your. skull and are some of the most complex in your body. When the TMJ is properly aligned, smooth muscle actions, such as chewing, talking, yawning, and swallowing, can take place....
Invisible Braces

Invisible Braces

Transform Your Smile with Clear Aligners In the dynamic world of orthodontics, where innovation continually reshapes the landscape of teeth straightening, clear aligners stand out as a revolutionary alternative to traditional braces. This modern approach has not only...
Prevention is Better Than a Cure

Prevention is Better Than a Cure

Like every area of health, preventing problems before they arise is easier, less traumatic and less expensive than curing them. At Renew Dental Lounge we want to see our patients enjoy good oral health throughout their entire lives. With modern advancements in...
Worn Down Teeth?

Worn Down Teeth?

Tooth wear is the loss of hard dental tissue the cause of which is both mechanical and chemical. It is characterised by the loss of the natural tooth surface. Tooth wear is a prevalent condition and tends to accumulate with age. Our modern lifestyle changes including...
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