Snoring can cause sleep interruptions for not only the person who snores but anyone within earshot. Snoring may also be a symptom of a more serious condition, sleep apnoea.
While we sleep, the lower jaw relaxes and can shift back to allow the soft tissues of the mouth, tongue and throat to partially block airflow, causing the sounds of snoring.
In obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), the airway becomes completely closed and the sufferer stops breathing many times during a cycle. During these episodes of airway blockage, the blood oxygen levels drop, and the brain alerts the body to wake up and breathe again. REM, the deep and restful stage of sleep, is never fully reached and the OSA sufferer experiences adverse effects of sleep deprivation. These can include daytime frustration, inability to focus, feeling drowsy and falling asleep during the day. OSA also contributes to increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
If you snore or have been diagnosed with OSA, you may have a CPAP machine. Whilst this device works very well, not all patients can tolerate it. At Renew Dental Lounge, we offer a simple oral appliance to help with both snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnoea.